Ambu® Open Cuff Silicone Face Mask

Ambu® Open Cuff Silicone Face Mask

Ambu® Open Cuff Silicone Face Mask are reusable face mask for use with manual and automatic resuscitators and ventilators. The masks are made of soft durable silicone material and ergonomically shaped for a comfortable and secure fit.

  • The transparent dome makes it easy to visually check for any signs of bleeding, vomiting, and spontaneous breathing. This contributes to rapid and accurate patient assessment, which is essential in operating and anesthesia wards.

  • These respirator masks can withstand repeated autoclaving at 134°C. This allows the masks to be effectively sterilized and cleaned, which is critical for infection prevention in hospital environments.

  • Our Ambu® Open Cuff Silicone Respirator Masks are available in 6 different sizes. This variety allows you to choose the right mask for each patient.

Ambu Open Cuff Silicone Face Masks - Instructions for use
Ambu Open Cuff Silicone Face Masks - Datasheet

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